How to Install LibreOffice on Kali Linux

Installing LibreOffice on Kali Linux can make your computer more versatile and helpful for school, work, or personal projects.

LibreOffice is a reliable and feature-rich alternative to proprietary office suites. With compatibility across multiple platforms and support for a wide range of file formats, it offers unparalleled flexibility for creating and editing documents.

In this blog post, I'll show you how to install LibreOffice step by step on your Kali Linux computer. I am going to tell you two different ways to install LibreOffice in Kali Linux.

What You Need to Install LibreOffice on Kali Linux

Before we start, make sure you have the following:

Internet Connection: You need the internet to download LibreOffice.

Permission: You'll need sudo permission to install software on your computer.

Step 1: Update Your Computer

First, let's make sure your computer has the latest software. Open the Terminal and type:

sudo apt update

This will check for any updates available for your system.

Update Your Computer to install LibreOffice

Step 2: Install LibreOffice

Once your computer is updated, you can install LibreOffice. Run the following command in the terminal:

sudo apt install libreoffice

Press Enter, and your computer will start downloading and installing LibreOffice. This might take a little while, depending on your internet speed.

Step 3: Check if it's Installed

After the installation is finished, you can check if LibreOffice is installed correctly. In the Terminal, type:

libreoffice --version

Press Enter, and you should see the version number of LibreOffice. That means it's installed!

check version number of LibreOffice

Step 4: Start Using LibreOffice

Now that LibreOffice is installed, you can start using it. Look for it in your applications menu or type this command in the Terminal:


Press Enter, and LibreOffice will open. You can use it to write documents, make spreadsheets, create presentations, and more.

Install LibreOffice in Kali Linux using the Synaptic Package Manager

So in this method, we are going to use Synaptic package manager to install LibreOffice in Kali Linux. You can use this method if you encounter any issues in apt. So first you need to install Synaptic Package Manager in Kali Linux.

Here is: How to install Synaptic Package Manager in Kali Linux if you don't have it.

Step 1: Open the Synaptic Package Manager. (if you are using a normal user this will ask you for the password)

Step 2: search for LibreOffice in the search box. (you can find LibreOffice in the upper right-side corner)

Install LibreOffice in Kali Linux using the Synaptic Package Manager

Step 3: After searching you will see a list of LibreOffice packages. Now right-click on libreoffice and select “Mark for Installation”.

Install LibreOffice in Kali Linux using the Synaptic Package Manager

When you select this option it will automatically select the other required packages so you dont need to select others manually.

Step 4: Now click on apply. (upper left-side corner)

Wait for the process to complete. After the process is completed Close the Synaptic package manager.

Now to launch LibreOffice you can use the following command or just search for “LibreOffice” in the Application search box.


Final Thoughts

Great job! You've successfully installed LibreOffice on your Kali Linux computer. Now you can use LibreOffice's tools to work on your projects more easily.

By following these simple steps, you've made your computer even more useful. Keep exploring and learning new things with LibreOffice!

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Pawan Verma

Hey there, I'm Pawan. I wear many hats in the world of technology, but if I had to sum it up in a nutshell, I'd say I'm a cyber security enthusiast. My passion for all things digital security led me to embark on a journey of continuous learning and exploration in this ever-evolving field.

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