Parrot Security OS : What Is It and Why Should You Care?

What is Parrot Linux

Are you interested in online security and keeping your digital life private? Ever thought about which version of Linux is best for you in this fast-changing world? In this blog post, we'll talk about Parrot Linux, a flexible and secure computer system.

It's easy to use, comes with tools for online safety, and is good for both beginners and experts. Let's know what makes Parrot Linux great and help you decide if it's the right choice for you in the digital world.

Please use the table of contents to jump on specific topics.

What Is Parrot Linux
Parrot OS 5.0.1 Electro Ara

What is Parrot Linux

Parrot Linux is a cool and powerful operating system for your computer. Parrot OS was introduced in 2013. Parrot Linux is based on Debian, which is an extremely reliable and popular type of software but what makes Parrot Linux special is that it is all about security and privacy. Also, it is an open-source operating system.

"Open source" means that the source code of the software is freely available for anyone to see, use, modify, and distribute. It's like sharing a recipe openly so that anyone can add their own ingredients or make changes to it. This encourages collaboration and innovation because people can work together to improve the software without any restrictions.

Some operating systems require a lot of processing power and memory, But Parrot Linux is designed to be easy on your computer's resources. This is great news for beginners because it means you can run it on older or less powerful computers without any problems.

As a beginner, when I first installed it on a low-end PC with 2GB RAM and a 2GHz processor it was smooth and I never felt any leg issues.

But remember, some security software needs more resources and we cannot use them on low-end PCs. let me tell you the minimum requirement in detail.

Parrot Linux system requirements

Processor: 1 GHz dual-core CPU (minimum)

RAM: 512 MB RAM (Minimum), 2 GB RAM (recommended)

Storage: 16 GB for Home Edition,20 GB for Security edition, and 10 GB for Home edition.

Graphics: No graphical acceleration is required

Security and Privacy Features of Parrot Linux

Parrot OS is designed to be secure and privacy-focused. It comes with a variety of pre-installed tools for tasks like vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, and digital forensics.

This makes it a good choice for security professionals and those interested in ethical hacking. Here are some of the key security and privacy features of Parrot OS:

1. Full disk encryption:

Parrot Linux encrypts your entire disk and gives you a secure file system.

2. Sandboxed environment:

Parrot OS is fully sandboxed, which means that it is isolated from other programs running on the system. This helps prevent malware and other security threats from affecting the system.

A sandboxed environment is a contained and isolated space used to execute code or run programs in a controlled and secure manner. It acts like a safe playground where you can test things out without affecting the surrounding system or data.

3. Fast security updates:

Parrot provides regular security updates and keeps your system secure from malware and viruses.

4. Debian Core:

Parrot OS is based on Debian, which is famous for its stability and security.

5. Anonymous Browsing:

Parrot Linux comes with web browsers pre-configured for anonymous browsing. This enhances your online privacy by making it more challenging for websites and advertisers to track your online activities.

6. User-Friendly Interface:

Parrot Linux provides a user-friendly interface that is easy to understand and navigate, making it a great choice for beginners.

When you first start using Parrot Linux, you'll notice that the interface is intuitive and not filled with confusing options. The user-friendly interface allows you to find and launch applications, manage your files, and customize your desktop with ease.

Updates and Stability:

Parrot Linux provides regular updates and prioritizes system stability, which is essential for a reliable and secure computing environment.


Parrot Linux follows a consistent update cycle. This means that the operating system receives regular updates to keep it current and secure.

These updates include bug fixes, security patches, and new features. When you use Parrot Linux, you can be confident that your system is up-to-date, reducing the risk of vulnerabilities and issues.


Parrot Linux is designed to be a stable operating system. As earlier I said it is based on Debian.

This stability is crucial because it means your computer won't crash or freeze unexpectedly.

Different Editions of Parrot Linux

Parrot Linux comes in a variety of editions, each edition has its specific purposes, which is really helpful for users with different needs. let's explore them and their features.

1. Parrot Home Edition:

This is for users who want to use Parrot Linux for general computing tasks, such as web browsing, email, and document editing. It's a good choice if you're new to Parrot Linux and want to explore Linux with a cool and powerful distribution.

Parrot Home Edition's key features:

Daily use: It comes pre-installed with essential software for everyday tasks like web browsing, office productivity, multimedia editing, and communication. This includes tools like:

  • Firefox with pre-configured privacy settings.
  • LibreOffice for document, spreadsheet, and presentation creation.
  • VLC media player for audio and video playback, GIMP for image editing.
  • Pre-installed tools like Tor and AnonSurf enable anonymous browsing and online activity.

SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT: Parrot Home Edition meets the needs of developers including the following:

  • Development tools: Code editors like VSCodium and Geany, along with compilers, interpreters, and libraries for various programming languages like Python, Java, and Node.js.
  • Support for popular frameworks: Supports popular development frameworks like Django and React.js.
  • Customization: While not as extensively customizable as the Architect Edition, Parrot Home Edition allows users to personalize their desktop environment and install additional software packages through the built-in package manager.

Download Parrot Home Edition

2. Parrot Security Edition:

If you're interested in cyber security, ethical hacking, or protecting your digital assets, the Security Edition is designed with tools for penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, and digital forensics.

It comes pre-loaded with a big arsenal of over 600+ security tools categorized into different sections.

DownloadParrot Security Edition

3. Architect Edition:

This edition comes with no pre-installed software or desktop environments. You can install any software and desktop environment according to your choice with this edition.

Parrot Architect Edition is also available for the 32-bit system.

Parrot Architect Edition is like a blank canvas where users can build their ideal Parrot OS system, tailored to their specific requirements and preferences. This is particularly useful for:

  • Advanced users who want complete control over their system configuration.
  • Penetration testers need to create a customized environment with specific security tools.
  • Developers who require a specific set of development tools and libraries.

Download Parrot Architect Edition

4. Cloud Editions

Cloud Appliances are custom editions of Parrot Security designed for embedded devices, cloud environments, virtual machines, and other specialized deployments.

Parrot Cloud Editions are ideal for security professionals and system administrators who need to:

  • Perform security assessments in the cloud.
  • Deploy security tools and services in cloud environments.
  • Run penetration testing engagements from the cloud.
  • Use security tools on virtual machines or embedded devices.

Download Parrot Cloud Edition

5. Hack The Box Edition (New)

The “Hack The Box Edition” provides a customized hacking cloud box called Pwnbox that can be used for penetration testing and vulnerability assessment.

The Hack The Box (HTB) platform is a well-known online platform where people can practice and learn about penetration testing.

It's a joint project between Parrot Security and Hack The Box, aimed at making it easy for users to improve their penetration testing skills through various challenges and training exercises.

key features of Parrot Hack The Box Edition:

Pre-configured HTB client: The edition comes pre-installed with the HTB client, allowing you to easily connect to the HTB platform, access training materials, and participate in challenges directly from your Parrot desktop.

Optimized tools: The edition includes a carefully chosen set of penetration testing tools commonly used in HTB challenges. This saves you the hassle of searching for and installing each tool separately, letting you concentrate on learning and practising instead.

This edition includes custom scripts and automation tools specifically designed for HTB challenges, further streamlining your workflow and enhancing efficiency.

Cloud-ready: This edition is optimized for running in cloud environments, making it ideal for users who prefer not to install a full operating system locally.

Download ParrotHack The Box Edition

6. Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)(New)

Now parrot Linux is also available on WSL so if you want to use Windows and Parrot Linux at a time then you can use it. you can use it on Windows 10 and 11.

Please note this version is a preview and in the developing stage so it may have some stability issues.

Download Parrot WSL

Read Also  What is Garuda Linux and how to use it

Parrot OS Hack The Box Edition vs Security Edition

The Parrot OS Hack The Box Edition and Security Edition are two different versions of the Parrot OS operating system, each with its own focus and features. Here's a comparison between the two:

1. Hack the Box Edition:

The Hack the Box edition of Parrot OS is designed to provide a comprehensive framework for cybersecurity operations.

The Hack the Box edition is a Cloud-based version. This is a specially designed OS based on ParrotOS Security Edition.

2. Security Edition:

As I said before, Security Edition is designed for penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, and digital forensics. It focuses on providing a full arsenal of ready-to-use tools for security professionals.

The Security Edition emphasizes security, privacy, and development, and it is based on the Debian Linux distribution.

Both editions of Parrot OS have their own strengths and target different user groups. The Hack The Box edition is tailored towards hackers and penetration testers, while the Security Edition is more focused on security professionals and red team operations.

If you are a pentester then you can go with Security Edition and if you are learning or want to practise your skills then you can go with HTB Edition.

Parrot os disadvantages

So everything that has advantages also has some disadvantages, similarly, Parrot Linux also has some disadvantages which I think should be shared with you,

Learning Curve: Due to its extensive security tools and focus on specific purposes, Parrot OS may have a steeper learning curve for new users compared to beginner-friendly operating systems.

Now you think that Earlier I mentioned that parrot Linux is beginner-friendly. and now why I say it is not, so the reason behind it is, that Linux offers full customization even if you can edit boot files in Linux via root user. So using a Root user at starting can cause problems so use a normal user and be cautious before dealing with system components.

Not Ideal for Daily Use: While the Home Edition caters to daily use, some users might find the pre-configured security tools and potential legal restrictions around specific tools unsuitable for everyday tasks.

Limited Hardware Compatibility: While Parrot OS is generally compatible with standard x86 and ARM architectures, specific drivers or software might require additional configuration or might not be readily available for certain hardware components.


Q. Which kernel version does Parrot Linux use?

The latest version of Parrot Linux, Parrot 6.0, which was released in January 2024, uses the Linux kernel 6.5.

Q. Which is best Kali Linux or Parrot os

Kali is used for security and pen-testing also parrot can be used for this. in my opinion, if you are new to Linux then you can go with the parrot home addition. if you are good in Linux then you can go with Kali Linux and if you want a beautiful look with work then go with Parrot Security Edition. this totally depends on you.


Parrot Linux stands out as a remarkable operating system, offering a unique blend of security, versatility, and user-friendliness. Having explored its features and capabilities, it's evident that Parrot Linux is more than just a tool; it's a gateway to the world of digital empowerment and privacy.

Personally, I'm impressed by its commitment to keeping your online world secure and your experience seamless. Whether you're delving into ethical hacking, safeguarding your privacy, or simply embarking on a Linux journey, Parrot Linux has something to offer.

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Pawan Verma

Hey there, I'm Pawan. I wear many hats in the world of technology, but if I had to sum it up in a nutshell, I'd say I'm a cyber security enthusiast. My passion for all things digital security led me to embark on a journey of continuous learning and exploration in this ever-evolving field.

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